Spacewood Patented System

Spacewood Patented System

Reticular Spatial Structures

Modular covering (spatial single layer) in lamellar wood. Straight beams of short dimension in lamellar wood. The beams are assembled to realize a structure of type „single layer reticular grid“ and is formed by continuous reticulars. The assembling elements of the poles and the lamellar wood are made of special patented fittings. The above connection system consiste of two cylinders which are fixed at the edge of the poles and anchor of the terminals is made by using a bicomponent epossidic glue which proved to be high resistant to traction and compression forces. All the metal components of the structure are treated with hot galvanizing process.

"Architettura non è altro che l'ordine, la disposizione, la bella apparenza, la proporzione delle parti tra loro, la convenienza e la distribuzione."

Michelangelo Buonarroti